Case Study
PPCS: Clear Communication, Stronger Results

PPCS a leading provider of commercial cleaning and facilities management in New Zealand, embarked on a communication programme to enhance workplace interactions, equipping staff with skills to communicate effectively, listen actively, and give clear instructions. The programme has led to improved productivity, reduced errors, and empowered employees to interact confidently with diverse stakeholders in a multicultural environment.

The Challenge

Effective communication is critical to business success, but PPCS identified gaps in how their teams communicated across roles and locations. Misunderstandings in messaging, listening, and instructions were impacting productivity, morale, and customer satisfaction. To address this, PPCS partnered with Aspire2 Workplace Communication to implement a tailored programme. The goal was to improve communication skills so staff could express themselves clearly in meetings, give instructions effectively, and interact confidently with colleagues and the public.

The Programme

The programme at PPCS was designed to tackle specific goals and barriers:

  • Stakeholder Communication: Employees learned to confidently engage with managers, colleagues, and customers.
  • Active Listening: Emphasising listening to understand, reducing workplace misunderstandings.
  • Cultural Awareness: A focus on respecting and addressing cultural differences in their diverse workforce.
  • Giving Clear Instructions: Ensuring clarity when providing instructions across the organisation.
  • Public Interactions: Building confidence to interact professionally with the public, especially in situations requiring tact.

The training also included practical components, such as developing good listening habits, overcoming cultural barriers, and learning how to check for understanding when giving instructions.

Programme Success: In Their Own Words

One learner said, “I’ve learned to listen carefully and speak slower when someone’s first language isn’t English.” This sentiment of cultural awareness was echoed throughout the group. Another participant noted, “I’m more aware of my body language and tone when I speak to others,” highlighting the programme’s focus on both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Supervisors also benefitted: “I’m trying to adapt to my role by becoming a better listener,” one participant shared. The programme fostered self-awareness, leading to personal growth and improved leadership skills.

The improvements extended beyond the workplace: “I learned how to speak more clearly and give better instructions,” said one employee, resulting in fewer job related mistakes and improved efficiency.

Business Impact

Aspire2 Workplace Communication programme had a significant impact on PPCS, enhancing communication, numeracy, and operational efficiency.

From the Learners:

  • Numeracy skills: “I can now measure decimals for production and handle schedule paperwork more efficiently.”
  • Cost savings: “Using simple calculations saves us on cleaning products.”
  • Financial understanding: “I understand my payslip and manage my finances better. I even use these skills at home for budgeting.”
  • Safety awareness: “I’m more aware of my surroundings and always check for risks before starting tasks.”
  • Teamwork: “We share information more, discuss problems as a team, and find faster solutions.”
  • Confidence: “I’ve built trust at work and at home, and I’m better at communicating during challenges.”

What the Employer Noticed:

  • Operational efficiency: Employees applied numeracy skills to save on products and improve productivity.
  • Safety improvements: Staff are more vigilant, reporting incidents immediately and ensuring safety before handling tasks.
  • Continuous improvement: Employees are slowing down to solve problems and find more productive ways of working.
  • Leadership growth: Learners are stepping up, sharing ideas, and fostering a collaborative, supportive workplace.

Cleaning Up Communication for a Stronger Team

The Aspire2 Workplace Communication programme at PPCS has been a resounding success.

Employees are communicating more clearly, listening more actively, and giving precise instructions, all of which contribute to a smoother, more efficient workplace. The emphasis on cultural awareness has fostered a more inclusive environment, and the skills gained have extended beyond the workplace, helping employees in their daily lives.

As one participant reflected, “I’ve learned how to better deal with people in all cultures, using my listening skills, and toning my voice lower and slower.”

This speaks to the broad reach of the programme and its lasting impact on both personal and professional interactions.

Key business impacts for PPCS:

Clearer Communication

Enhanced Listening Skills

Improved Public Interactions

Increased Cultural Awareness

Reduction in Errors

Safer Workplace

Ballance Agri-Nutrients


“There is greater depth of understanding of health and safety in the workplace, resulting in a safer workplace for all.”

Effective Leader

Learner Feedback

Learner Feeedback

“I am now able to manage a team smoothly and effectively. They now open up and bring their own ideas which I listen to.”

Embracing Digital

Aspire2 Observations


From using Google maps and YouTube to emailing attachments and photos, learners’ digital capabilities were given a powerful boost.