Access government funded workplace based training for your team.

All programmes are free for eligible learners and delivered at your workplace or online.

Explore how our programmes can bridge the gap between potential and performance in your organisation.

Our comprehensive training programmes are designed to unlock your team’s full potential by enhancing essential skills in communication, numeracy, digital literacy, and more.

You will soon see an increased confidence in communication, improved document accuracy, strengthened numeracy for personal and operational use, and promotion of wellbeing and positively handling change.

Additionally, we cover vital areas such as teamwork, health & safety, customer service, and leadership development

To further enhance your training we offer additional free and paid training components

How it Works

We provide training for small groups at a time and place that works for your organisation.

Adult education is focused on breaking down barriers to learning, making material accessible and relevant to staff. Our highly skilled tutors deliver constantly reviewed and updated materials, to the teams where your organisation will see the most reward. And you enjoy the benefits of a more engaged workforce immediately and for a long time after the training has finished.

For a fuller review of the process check out Our Process

Exceptional Service

We strive to provide the highest quality training programmes to our clients and exceptional support to our learners.

We regularly receive positive feedback from clients and leaners taking part in our workplace training programmes.