White Paper

New Zealand’s Financial Literacy – Let’s not get this wrong

Financial literacy refers to the knowledge and skills required to make informed and effective decisions about managing money. In New Zealand, there is a lack of financial literacy among many individuals, which can have serious consequences for their financial well-being and the wider economy.

In this white paper, we will explore the impact of the lack of financial literacy in New Zealand and how Aspire2 Workplace Communication training can help fill the gaps for staff.

The impact of the lack of financial literacy in New Zealand:

Personal financial challenges: Individuals with limited financial literacy skills may struggle with managing their finances effectively, including budgeting, saving, and investing. This can lead to debt, financial stress, and reduced quality of life.

Economic implications: The lack of financial literacy can also have wider economic implications, including lower levels of investment, higher levels of debt, and reduced economic growth. This can ultimately affect the economic well-being of New Zealand.

Workplace productivity: Financial stress can affect workplace productivity, as employees may be distracted by their financial worries. This can result in reduced work performance, absenteeism, and increased staff turnover.

How Aspire2 Workplace Communication training can help fill the gaps for staff:

Aspire2 Workplace Communication training can help fill the gaps in financial literacy by providing staff with the knowledge and skills required to make informed financial decisions. By enrolling in this training, staff can benefit in the following ways:

Improved financial literacy skills: The Aspire2 Workplace Communication training includes modules on financial literacy, including budgeting, saving, and investing. By completing these modules, staff can develop their financial literacy skills and make informed decisions about their personal finances.

Reduced financial stress: Improved financial literacy skills can also reduce financial stress among staff, which can lead to increased workplace productivity and well-being.

Improved workplace productivity: By reducing financial stress among staff, Aspire2 Workplace Communication training can improve workplace productivity, leading to increased efficiency and profitability for businesses.

Enhanced employee engagement: Providing training opportunities, such as Aspire2 Workplace Communication, can also enhance employee engagement, as staff feel valued and supported by their employer.

Better business outcomes: By improving financial literacy skills among staff, businesses can benefit from reduced absenteeism, lower staff turnover, and increased profitability.


The lack of financial literacy in New Zealand can have serious consequences for individuals, the wider economy, and businesses. Aspire2 Workplace Communication training can help fill the gaps in financial literacy by providing staff with the knowledge and skills required to make informed financial decisions. By improving financial literacy skills among staff, businesses can benefit from improved workplace productivity, reduced financial stress, enhanced employee engagement, and better business outcomes. Aspire2 Workplace Communication training is a valuable investment for businesses looking to support the financial well-being of their staff and drive business success.