Julia Walton
Programme Manager
Julia has had many years of experience, managing a range of adult educational programmes in various countries including, Dubai, Vietnam, Japan and New Zealand. Her particular interest is in adult learner engagement, ensuring learners are motivated, can relate to learning material and can apply it in their lives. This interest drives her passion to ensure the learners feel confident to consider new ideas and develop the skills to continue learning.
Julia is passionate about the concept of ako; where old learn from young, young from old, experienced people are open to new ideas, learning is informed by research and is reflective. In this way, people help each other to deal with change, to value the past, grow in awareness and increase tolerance of difference. In the workplace, this acceptance of diversity allows workers to move on to better ideas, managers can introduce change and at the same time, expect clarity around current processes.
Having been a teacher herself in many different environments, at times with very limited resources, Julia has developed high levels of creativity and resourcefulness. This enables Julia to support her teaching staff and provide learning solutions that are specific to the particular business or workplace. Her business background enables her to appreciate the drives for efficacy, economy and quality and she has practiced continuing education all her life, gaining qualifications where relevant in for example, business management, digital design and incorporating Tiriti o Waitangi into educational practice.