News & Insights
White Paper – Survey of Adult Skills 2023: New Zealand – results, impact and solutions
New Zealand’s 2023 Survey of Adult Skills reveals alarming declines in literacy and numeracy among adults aged 16-65, affecting productivity, safety, and innovation. Discover how tailored interventions can tackle these challenges in our latest white paper. Read more here.

White Paper – The Importance of Numeracy & Literacy Skills in the Cleaning Industry
In the cleaning industry, technical skills are just part of the equation. Strong literacy, numeracy, and communication skills are key to enhancing safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
In this white paper, we dive deep into why these foundational skills are so vital for cleaning professionals. Click here to read more.

White Paper – Mastering English Language Proficiency: Key to Migrant Integration and Labour Market Success
Migrant workers are a critical part of our economy. However the challenges of language, understanding Kiwi culture and health and safety issues can make it harder for organisations, and for individuals, to bring the full value they should.
Read this paper about the importance of English language proficiency for organisational success, as well as social and economic integration for us a country. Click here to read more.

White Paper – Navigating Frontline Interactions – Mastering Conflict De-escalation
More and more frontline workers such as those in retail, security, healthcare and education are needing skills in conflict resolution. For customer satisfaction, employee well-being, and brand reputation, this has become an essential part of training for staff.
Read this paper to see key ways to ensure your staff are provided with de-escalation skills. Click here to read more.

White Paper – Evaluating the ROI of Adult Numeracy and Literacy Programmes
When facing tight budget constraints, limited resources, and the urgency for rapid improvements, making the decision to implement a numeracy and literacy programme for your staff may seem daunting.
Read this paper to see what return on investment (ROI) a programme can bring – immediately and in the future. Click here to read more.

White Paper – Why Have Tailored Programmes for Organisations
We don’t offer a Cookie Cutter approach to programme development for a reason. It just doesn’t bring the best results, for organisations, managers or the learners.
Find out why this doesn’t work and what we do do in this white paper. Click here to read more.

White Paper – Enhancing Adult Communication Skills
What area of training gets the most attention from us all? How to improve our communication skills.
What are the key components of communication training, why is it so important, and what new challenges in communication have we not had to face before?
These are just some of the areas tackled in this white paper. Click here to read more.

White Paper – Unlocking the Potential: Advantages of learning as an adult
Traditional education is not for everyone, but adult learning environments can set people up for success in way they never expected.
Click here to read about the wero adults face in learning but how important it is to give everyone a second chance, boost their confidence and promote lifelong learning for all.

White Paper – The Evolution of Training: Unleashing the Potential of VR Learning
What’s next in training? New technology is allowing us to transported into near real life situations and respond in real time with instant feedback. What more can it offer in this brave new world?
Click here to read about the advantages, applications and challenges.

White Paper – Bridging the Gap: The Need for Digital Skills in the Whole Workforce
Emails, Teams, Google, ChatGBT, apps, are all commonly used, but what happens when this is something you are not comfortable with. Are you open to scams? Left out of meetings? Struggle with day to day forms and job opportunities?
Click here to read why no-one should be left behind in the digital age

White Paper – Financial Literacy in New Zealand
What happens when my mortgage goes up, I can’t even afford to feed my family properly right now? Should I use a loan company to get me out of this debt? What is Sharesies? I’m not sure I understand my payslip?
Click here to read why your workforce and organisation will benefit from better Financial Literacy

White Paper – NZ Literacy & Numeracy Skills in 2023
While New Zealand has made significant progress in improving literacy and numeracy rates, there is still much work to be done. This white paper provides an overview of the current state of literacy and numeracy rates, as well as key challenges and opportunities for improvement. Let’s work towards a future where all adults have the literacy and numeracy skills they need to succeed.
Click here to read the paper in full

The 7 C’s of an effective team
A thriving and motivated workplace is often developed due to good teamwork. Effective teams are more than the sum of their talented parts. Does your team have the 7 C’s?
Click here to read more about what these are

Need Support?
Our team has recently designed a community support poster that you can download.
Sometimes people find it hard to ask for help, so this can provide a way for staff to get in touch with the appropriate organisation directly.
If you’re looking for a way to spread a little aroha and care in your space, consider adding this Need Support? poster to your wall. It’s a small but meaningful way to remind yourself and others that we all deserve to have our needs met and to feel supported along the way.
Review, refresh, renew
We started the year by catching up with some of our tutors, getting their invaluable insights on our programmes and the developments we are working on. Pictured here; (back) Carmen Wimmer, Helen Thorn, Tony Burnham, Paul Lishman, (front) Barbara Reynolds, Vicki Fox,

Recent research has found high rates of burnout in the New Zealand workforce – particularly young workers and Māori are most at risk.
Professor Jarrod Haar of Auckland University of Technology says there are four key signs of burnout to watch out for in yourself and your colleagues; emotional exhaustion, feeling of indifference, trouble staying focused and a lack of emotional control.
So how can we break the burnout cycle? Check out this guide